According to the Grantham Institute’s 2024 Global Trends in Climate Change Litigation Policy Report (the “Report“) – which was published on 27 June 2024 – climate-related litigation against private sector actors continues to be on the rise. The Report highlights that over 230 climate-related lawsuits have been initiated against corporations and trade associations since 2015, with over two thirds of those lawsuits filed since 2020. The Report also highlights that the growth rate of climate-related cases is showing signs of stabilisation, at over 200 new climate-related cases per year. The risk of private sector actors facing climate-related lawsuits is not, therefore, showing any signs of diminishing.Continue Reading CLIMATE LITIGATION – THE GRANTHAM RESEARCH INSTITUTE ON CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE ENVIRONMENT PUBLISHES ITS 2024 GLOBAL TRENDS IN CLIMATE LITIGATION REPORT
Luiz Gustavo Bezerra
On March 25, 2024, the Brazilian federal government published Decree No. 11.961/2024, establishing an advisory and deliberative group, the Brazilian Sustainable Taxonomy Interinstitutional Committee (“CITSB”), which will coordinate the development and implementation of the Brazilian Sustainable Taxonomy (“TSB”). The TSB will establish a classification system for sustainable projects and activities, providing standardized terminology for companies…
Climate disclosure regulations are among the most significant and complex challenges faced by companies and boards, with a variety of requirements emanating from numerous governmental authorities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in recent years. Mayer Brown lawyers from around the world produced a White Paper on Global Climate Change Disclosure Initiatives and Board Corporate Governance Considerations…
Climate disclosure regulations are among the most significant and complex challenges faced by companies and boards, with a variety of requirements emanating this past year from numerous governmental authorities and non-governmental organizations. This white paper—an expanded version of a white paper we published in January—discusses key features and differences of a dozen authorities, followed by…
COP28 insights mini-series
Our mini Q&A series followed COP28, providing you with a quick and easy way to see how the discussions evolved. Our coverage highlighted significant and recent developments from a legal perspective, allowing you to assess the impact of these on your business.
View the mini Q&A series at
Congress rejects presidential vetoes to Federal Law that establishes time limit requirement for indigenous lands demarcation
On December 14, the National Congress of Brazil overrode most of the presidential vetoes to Federal Law No. 14.701/2023 (the “Time Limit Act”), which regulates Article 231 of the Constitution to set guidelines for the recognition, demarcation, use and management of Indigenous lands. The Time Limit Act was initially published on October 20, 2023, but…
Brazil: Payment for Environmental Services and REDD+ Main concepts, instruments and opportunities, according to Brazil’s federal and state legislators
Following COP28 in Dubai, where our partner Luiz Gustavo Bezerra was present and participated in various discussions related to the transition to a low-carbon economy and the role of economic instruments and carbon markets, among several other topics, the implementation of initiatives that financially value the adoption of environmentally desirable practices by individuals and institutions…
COP28 Insights Mini-Series – Part 2
As we alluded to in our pre-COP video (which you can watch here), the first Global Stocktake under the Paris Agreement will be concluded at COP28. Although it is an important milestone in terms of establishing a comprehensive picture of what has been achieved since the Paris Agreement was entered into and what remains to be done, discussions appear to be fraught. Clearly, an exercise of this kind allows for the re-opening of old wounds around substantive matters such as how to share responsibility for mitigation efforts. On this theme, at the opening ceremony, UNFCCC Executive Secretary, Simon Stiell, urged participants to signal the decline of the fossil fuel industry. Current expectations are that decisions in this regard will be in the context of the Global Stocktake. Continue Reading COP28 Insights Mini-Series – Part 2
Brazil Sets Global Precedent: First Nation to Embrace ISSB Sustainability Financial Reports
The Brazilian Securities Commission (“CVM“) made a significant announcement on October 20, 2023, by introducing CVM’s Rule No. 193. This resolution provides comprehensive guidance on the creation and dissemination of sustainability information reports, specifically the IFRS S1 and IFRS S2, as outlined by the International Sustainability Standards Board (“ISSB“), which are aligned with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) and the criteria set by the Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (“SASB”).Continue Reading Brazil Sets Global Precedent: First Nation to Embrace ISSB Sustainability Financial Reports
Brazil’s Supreme Court rejects time limit requirement for indigenous land demarcation
On 27 September 2023, Brazil’s Supreme Court concluded the trial of Extraordinary Appeal No. 1,017,365, which discussed a cut-off date for indigenous occupation as a requirement for demarcation of indigenous lands. Based on a strict interpretation of the Brazilian Constitution, the time limit thesis tried to implement a cut-off date to restrict indigenous land claims, arguing that only indigenous lands occupied on the date of the 1988 Constitution promulgation could be demarcated by the Federal Government. In reviewing the appeal, the Supreme Court not only rejected the time limit requirement, but also established a broad set of criteria covering other relevant aspects to the demarcation of indigenous lands.Continue Reading Brazil’s Supreme Court rejects time limit requirement for indigenous land demarcation