Deforestation is now the second leading cause of climate change globally, after burning fossil fuels, and is responsible for around 11% of all greenhouse gas emissions.  In the last 60 years more than half of tropical forests worldwide have been destroyed, reducing biodiversity and endangering rare species (see Fifth Special Report of Session – 2023-24: 

The Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/1700 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2402 with regard to regulatory technical standards (“RTS”) was adopted on June 18, 2024. These RTS set out the content, methods and presentation of information in relation to the principal adverse impacts (“PAIs”) of the assets financed by the underlying exposures on sustainability factors for securitizations and the new rules will enter into force on 8 July 2024. ESG STS disclosure is a key feature of the EU’s objectives to promote sustainable finance and steer capital flows towards sustainable activities.Continue Reading Be prepared: The technical standards on STS securitizations’ ESG disclosures enter into force on July 8, 2024

After the results of the European elections, where the presidential political party lost a significant number of seats at the European Parliament, the president of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron decided to dissolve the National Assembly. This dissolution was effected by the presidential “Decree of June 9, 2024 dissolving the National Assembly“, which was published in the Official Journal of the French Republic on June 10, 2024.  

At the time of the dissolution, several projects and proposals of laws were pending adoption within the French Parliament and the question of the status of these texts was scrutinized by the media shortly after the dissolution. Particular concern was raised by certain media articles about the consequences of the dissolution on pending environmental legislation, including the proposed legislation to protect the population from risks linked to Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (“PFAS“) (the “Proposed PFAS Law”).

The Proposed PFAS Law had drawn quite substantial public attention as, if enacted, France would become the first EU Member State to heavily prohibit PFAS in products. The Proposed PFAS Law was also developed in parallel to the development of a PFAS restriction at the EU level, which drew criticism from industry bodies and some French parliament representatives. Continue Reading Dissolution of the French National Assembly: what does it mean for the Proposed PFAS Law?

On 3 June 2024, the Asia Pacific Loan Market Association (“APLMA”) published its set of “Model Provisions for Green Loans” (“Model Provisions”), following the publication of the “Draft Provisions for Sustainability-Linked Loans” by the London-based Loan Market Association (“LMA”) a year earlier in May 2023. The markets expect that the Model Provisions will bring some clarity into the classification of green loans going forward.Continue Reading APLMA publishes Model Provisions for Green Loans

On May 28 2024, the Biden administration released the “Voluntary Carbon Markets Joint Policy Statement and Principles”.

The Joint Statement makes a number of important and supportive points in favor of the VCM, noting that:

  • High-integrity VCMs, as well as carbon credit markets more broadly, have the potential to support decarbonization efforts within the United

On April 24, 2024, the Loan Market Association (LMA) published its Sustainability Coordinator Letter. The publication of the LMA’s letter follows the LSTA’s February 2023 publication of its own Sustainability Structuring Agent Engagement Agreement Inserts. This Legal Update contains a comparative analysis of the LMA and LSTA’s documents, notes key similarities and differences between the

On 14 May 2024, the European Securities and Markets Authority (“ESMA“) published its final report on “Guidelines on funds’ names using ESG or sustainability-related terms” (the “Guidelines“). The Guidelines aim to provide fund managers with clear and measurable criteria to assess their ability to use ESG and/or sustainability-related terms

The UK Competition and Markets Authority (“CMA“) has announced that three fashion retailers have signed voluntary undertakings to ensure that consumers have a clearer idea of how green their clothes really are. At the end of March 2024, ASOS, Boohoo and George at Asda committed to only make green claims about their products

In March 2023, the European Commission proposed the Green Claims Directive (the “Directive“), which aims to tackle greenwashing (read our previous update on the Directive here).  On 12 March 2024, the European Parliament voted in favour of the Directive at first reading. This move further complements the EU’s commitment to empowering consumers, ensuring fair competition and fostering a more environmentally responsible marketplace.Continue Reading The Green Claims Directive: European Parliament approves at first reading

On 19 March 2024, GRESB – an investor-led organisation that provides standardised and validated data to assess the sustainability-related performance of real estate assets and portfolios – announced the upcoming launch of “REAL Solutions“. REAL Solutions is a new suite of tools designed to provide real asset managers and investors with more granular ESG data, which they are demanding in order to take advantage of opportunities in the sustainable investment market and to comply with increasingly burdensome ESG-related regulations.Continue Reading GRESB announces launch of its new suite of ESG-evaluation tools, REAL Solutions