Following COP28 in Dubai, where our partner Luiz Gustavo Bezerra was present and participated in various discussions related to the transition to a low-carbon economy and the role of economic instruments and carbon markets, among several other topics, the implementation of initiatives that financially value the adoption of environmentally desirable practices by individuals and institutions is appropriate and urgent, in addition to command and control mechanisms that are limited to penalizing environmentally undesirable practices.
Payment for Environmental Services (PES) and the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) are economic instruments that aim to compensate actions committed to the protection, recovery, or improvement of the environment, and play an important role in combating climate change.
To explain these topics, their main concepts, instruments and opportunities, in accordance with Brazilian federal and state legislation, our Environmental and Climate Change Practice prepared an e-book.
Learn more here.