At the end of 2020, the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) surveyed its membership to identify its priorities for the growth of derivatives-related ESG issues. The membership answered that it expected growth in ESG derivatives and communicated a strong desire for documentation standardization.

On February 17, 2021, the US Climate Finance Working Group, which comprises ISDA and 10 other trade associations, published a landmark set of principles: “Financing a US Transition to a Sustainable Low-carbon Economy” (Principles). For more information on the Principles, see our Legal Update on

In a Blog Post on Mayer Brown’s new Derivatives blog, The Long and Short of It, we highlight remarks from ISDA’s Chief Executive Officer, Scott O’Malia, following the release of the Principles and discuss what this means for the development of the derivatives market, in particular. Read more from The Long and Short of It.