**A Chinese version of this blog post follows the English version.**
On 19 August 2022, the National Development and Reform Commission (“NDRC”), the National Bureau of Statistics (“NBS”), and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (“MEE“) of the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) jointly issued the “Implementation Plan on Accelerating the Establishment of a Unified and Standardised Carbon Emission Statistical Accounting System (the “System”)” (the “Plan“).
The establishment of a standardised statistical accounting system is considered an important step in improving PRC’s work on carbon dioxide peaking and carbon neutrality (also known as the “dual carbon goal”). This was highlighted in two earlier policies, namely the “Action Plan for Carbon Dioxide Peaking Before 2030”[1] and the “Working Guidance For Carbon Dioxide Peaking And Carbon Neutrality In Full And Faithful Implementation Of The New Development Philosophy”[2], both issued by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council in October 2021.
The Plan proposes to establish the System, which consists of uniform and standardised statistical and accounting methods for carbon emissions, at a national and regional level. The System will serve as an important foundation for the formulation of policies, promotion work, assessments, and negotiation of agreements relating to the PRC’s work on its dual carbon goal.[3]
The main goals of the Plan are:
- By 2023: to establish a mechanism that produces consistent carbon emissions statistics and accounting data through a unified and standardised system.
- By 2025: to further improve the System, strengthen data quality, and apply advanced technology to provide scientific and comprehensive solutions for the PRC’s work in its dual carbon goal.[4]
The Plan covers four key tasks:
- establish national and local carbon emissions accounting methods and statistics;
- improve the carbon emission accounting methods and standards for key industries including electric power, chemicals and construction;
- improve the carbon emissions accounting methods and standards of key products including raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products of key industries; and
- improve the compilation of the national greenhouse gas (“GHG”) inventory.[5]
The Plan also provides for ‘safeguard measures’ of the System which include the establishment of a national GHG emission factor database and, the application of technology such as big data and blockchain to optimise data collection, processing and storage methods.[6]
The Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Leading Group, which is jointly led by the NDRC and the NBS, will be responsible for the establishment of the System on both a national and local level, and the coordination of carbon emission statistical and accounting work across all regions, industries, products and inventories.[7]
The extent to which the System aligns with international standards, such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and ISO 14604 standards for greenhouse gas accounting and verification, remains to be seen.
[1] Point 1 under “Policy Support” in the “Action Plan for Carbon Dioxide Peaking Before 2030”
[2] Points 28 and 29 in the “Working Guidance For Carbon Dioxide Peaking And Carbon Neutrality In Full And Faithful Implementation Of The New Development Philosophy”
[3] First paragraph of the Plan
[4] Point 2 of the Plan
[5] Points 3 to 6 of the Plan
[6] Points 7 to 11 of the Plan
中国国家发展和改革委员会、国家统计局和生态环境部于2022 年 8 月 19 日公布了《关于加快建立统一规范的碳排放统计核算体系实施方案》(以下简称《方案》)。
有关建立统一规范的碳排放统计核算体系,在中央、国务院在2021 年 10 月公布的《2030年前碳达峰行动方案》和《中共中央国务院关于完整准确全面贯彻新发展理念做好碳达峰碳中和工作的意见》中亦有强调建立此体系是中国加强碳达峰和碳中和(以下简称为“双碳”)工作的重要一步。
- 到2023年:建立一个部门协作机制,通过统一和形式规范的体系编制一致的碳排放统计和核算数据。
- 到 2025 年:进一步完善体系,加强数据质量,应用先进技术,为中国的双碳工作提供科学、全面的支持。
- 建立全国及地方碳排放统计核算制度和统计数据;
- 完善电力、化工、建筑等重点行业的碳排放核算方法和相关标准;
- 建立健全重点行业原材料、半成品、成品等重点产品的碳排放核算方法和标准;
- 完善国家温室气体清单编制机制。
对于此碳排放统计核算体系在多大程度上符合国际标准,例如温室气体核算体系(Greenhouse Gas Protocol)和 ISO 14604 温室气体核算和验证标准,仍有待观察。