Financial Services Agency

In response to known challenges concerning ESG evaluation and data provision, including transparency and fairness of evaluation, and the expanding  role of organizations which provide these services, Japan has compiled a draft Code of Conduct for ESG Evaluation and Data Providers. The draft Code was published in July 2022 and can be read here.

On April 6, 2021, the Council of Experts Concerning the Follow-up of Japan’s Stewardship Code and Japan’s Corporate Governance Code (Council) published a consultation on proposed revisions to Japan’s Corporate Governance Code (Governance Code) and Guidelines for Investor and Company Engagement (Guidelines) intended to, among other things, increase attention to sustainability and ESG matters and promote diversity among Japan’s listed companies.

The Governance Code sets out the fundamental principles for effective corporate governance of listed companies in Japan, while the Guidelines provide agenda items for engagement that institutional investors and companies are expected to focus on. The proposed revisions to these two documents could significantly influence the state of ESG and diversity among Japan’s listed companies, with a key emphasis on sustainability-related disclosures.

In this Blog Post, we provide additional background on the Governance Code and the Guidelines, as well as details and analysis of the consultation proposals.Continue Reading Japan to Promote ESG Disclosures and Diversity for Listed Companies