Corporate Governance Codes

On April 28, 2021, the Securities Commission Malaysia (SCM) updated the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (MCCG) to strengthen the corporate governance culture of Malaysia’s listed companies. According to SCM, in this first update since 2017, the MCCG “focuses on the role of the board and senior management in addressing sustainability risks and opportunities of the company”, among other topics. The SCM notes:

“The MCCG 2021 also addresses the urgent need for companies to manage [ESG] risks and opportunities, with the introduction of new best practices that emphasise the need for collective action by boards and senior management. The global commitment and acceleration of efforts to transition towards a net zero economy has resulted in demand for greater action on the part of corporates. The SC[M]’s review of sustainability statements by large listed companies found that some have begun to address climate-related risks but more can and needs to be done.”

In this Blog Post, we provide additional background on the MCCG and highlight ESG-related aspects of the 2021 update, as well as recent, similar efforts to highlight the connection between ESG management and good corporate governance in other Asian jurisdictions.

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